Andre’s Barber Shop gives free haircuts for peace in Rochester

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Andre’s Barber Shop gave free haircuts to community members Monday as part of their initiative to create peace in the city. The owner says his mission is to educate younger kids about how they can use preventive skills when it comes to violence.

"Some of the more negative images are placed out here especially for the youth, that’s what they see and that’s what they pick up so it’s important for us as community members and leaders to put out positive situations that they can follow,” said the owner Andre Morrison.

Clippers were buzzing for the shops initiative, "cuts for peace". Not only did the kids get haircuts, snacks and balloons. This was also an opportunity to have an open conversation about what type of violence has been and is happening in their communities.

"We asked them questions, ‘OK what do you think some of the causes of this violence out here is?’ and ‘What do you think some of the answers to solving it can be?’” Morrison said.

Along with questions comes actions. One family tells us, in their opinion, there are even some toys they refuse to buy their kids because of how they can be portrayed nowadays.

"I’ve never bought water guns never bought plastic guns, I feel like if you buy them one it could lead to something else I don’t want that. I’m not saying you shouldn’t buy a kid a water gun. Your belief may be different than my belief but, I don’t buy guns so I don’t have to tell them don’t point it at me don’t point it at anyone else,” Roland Johnson said.

The barbershop also teamed up with the Rochester Police Department and had officers on site, not only to answer any questions but to make the kids "Safe Child Identification Cards". By scanning fingerprints, the information is logged in the New York State Safe Child database in case of an emergency.