Assemblyman Bronson calls for Cuomo’s resignation after AG report’s findings

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Reaction was swift from state lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans alike, calling for the governor’s resignation.

Assemblyman Harry Bronson (D-Rochester) is a political ally of the Governor, but Bronson clearly stated that Cuomo must step down for the women, and their families.

Bronson watched Gov. Cuomo’s comments on his laptop while sitting in the conference room of his office on University Avenue.

"The polished presentation he just gave with slideshows of him kissing numerous dignitaries, and other people — I think I even saw Tish James in there — belittles the process," Bronson said.

Tuesday’s report just reinforced Bronson’s opinion that Cuomo must go.

"If he doesn’t resign I think the Assembly Conference will be meeting, and having discussions about where is the Judicial Committee, and its review right now," Bronson said.

As for the portions of his speech where the Governor attempted to apologize?

"I think apologies are important for people to move forward, but he didn’t apologize to all the women. He gave excuses for some of the allegations," Bronson said.

An emotional Bronson did thank Cuomo for being a part of the Marriage Equality Movement which he says is very important to him and the LGBTQ community.

"Those good deeds cannot be used as a reason not to hold him accountable for those bad deeds," Bronson said.