Biden returns to Washington after Middle East trip

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WASHINGTON, D.C. (NBC) – President Joe Biden is back in Washington after wrapping up meetings Saturday in the Middle East. The president spent the day talking with the leaders of Egypt, Iraq, and the United Arab Emirates.

Number one on the list of topics was ways to counter the growing nuclear threat from Iran. Biden wrapped up his trip with a meeting with the Gulf Cooperation Council, telling leaders the U.S. will continue its involvement in the region to counter the influence of Russia and China in the region.

“The United States is clear-eyed about the challenges in the Middle East and about where we have the greatest capacity to help drive positive outcomes,” Biden said. “Our objectives are focused, realistic, and achievable so that we can target our resources, rebuild trust, and deliver real results. And we will operate in the context of the Middle East as it is today: a region more united than it has been in years.”

The president also told the group the "future will be won" by nations where citizens can "question and criticize leaders without fear of reprisal."