Both sides speak at overturn of Roe v. Wade rallies

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – People, both for and against abortion rights, are speaking out after a controversial Supreme Court decision.

An abortion-rights protest was held at City Hall, and an anti-abortion rally was held at Planned Parenthood over the weekend, both sides, have a lot to say.

Abortion rights activists sat on the steps of City Hall this afternoon chanting and cheering.

"I went to a march in D.C. when I was 40 years old, it was for women’s rights. I was there after the inauguration of the last president, not Biden, but the previous one. I’m tired of fighting, but you can bet I’ll be out in the streets doing so," Deborah Antoniades said, who is in favor of abortion rights.

It was more of a quiet, scene for anti-abortion protestors who gathered at Planned Parenthood on University Avenue, taking turns saying prayers for each other.

"The oppression of abortion over our country has been lifted and I think we’re going to see great things, I think we’re going to see great pro-life advances," one speaker at that rally said.

We spoke with people at each event and here is some of what they had to say:

"The thought of the next generation of women growing up with less rights than we have now is unacceptable," Stephanie Maryan told News10NBC, who is in favor of abortion rights.

"This is a battle between love and hate, we just believe that, all lives matter, that’s what we believe," Cynthia Walker told us, who was at the anti-abortion rally outside Planned Parenthood.