Community gathers to talk about gun violence and public safety in Rochester

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – Concerns were voiced Tuesday night during a forum on hate groups, racism, domestic terrorism, and gun violence.

The United Christian Leadership Ministry brought faith leaders, law enforcement, legislators, and members of the community together.

They met at the First Church of God to talk about gun violence and public safety in Rochester.

After a mass shooting hit close to home, the group explored ways to prevent them from happening—and ways to protect themselves.

Rochester police say we need to come together.

These are challenging times but I pray that we understand that hating the police and being angry with the police is not the answer. But we need to come together," said Moses Robinson, Rochester Police Department

Earlier today, the department of homeland security issued a terror threat bulletin, warning of a ‘heightened threat environment,’ and violent months ahead.