Convicted sex offender arrested again for child porn

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – A convicted sex offender has been arrested for a second time since he was released for possession of child pornography.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office says 33-year-old Jason Koscielski of Rochester is charged with enticement of a minor and possession and distribution of child pornography by an individual with a prior sex offense conviction. He faces another 10 years in prison minimum and up to 40 years for a maximum sentence.

Koscielski was convicted on federal charges in 2011 and released in 2020. Shortly after his release, during a meeting with a probation officer, a cell phone containing child pornography was discovered. Koscielski was convicted and sent to prison for another 12 months.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office says he was released in 2021 and was placed in the Volunteers of America, Residential Reentry Center, where was unsuccessfully discharged. While packing up his belongings, the organization found a cell phone. The FBI said the phone contained child pornography as well as several instant message conversations, during which he exchanged images of child pornography with two unidentified individuals and a 15-year-old minor victim.