Countdown to the Olympics: Naples native Meghan Musnicki rowing for gold
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Olympics are just two weeks away which means the Olympians are in the final stages of preparation.
The U.S. woman’s rowing team has been practicing in Princeton, New Jersey but is now heading to Hawaii for a week-long training camp.
The Olympic rowing team is clocking final workouts in paradise to lighten the adjustments with the time change.
Naples native Meghan Musnicki and the rest of the team will compete in the first week of the Olympics.
"It cuts the time zone difference in half," Musnicki said. "Japan is so far away and with the time zones it takes a while to acclimate to being someplace where you’ve never been in the sense that you’re sleeping, you’re training, and getting used to doing that at completely different times than your body thinks that it is."

The opening ceremony will be on News10NBC on July 23.