Cuomo’s attorney: Info is "missing from the Attorney General’s report"

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NEW YORK, N.Y. (WHEC) — In a lengthy 45-minute interview on CNN, Governor Andrew Cuomo’s attorney Rita Glavin said she was shocked by some of the things she believes are missing from the Attorney General’s report.

The AG’s report found that Gov. Cuomo had sexually harassed multiple women, breaking state and federal sexual harassment laws.

Speaking on CNN Saturday night, Glavin reiterated several points she made at a press conference a day earlier and pointed out what she thinks are inaccuracies and key details missing from the report. First, she says there are “at least three people that testified to the Attorney General’s office about motives with respect to this particular woman perhaps to have made this up.”

The “particular woman” to which Glavin is referring is the unidentified woman who filed a criminal complaint against Cuomo in Albany this week. Her identity has not been made public, but we know she is one of the 11 accusers involved in the AG’s report, and she claims that the governor reached under her shirt and groped her at the executive mansion last year.

At a press conference Saturday, Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple said: "I think we’ve all read the attorney general’s report. I think we know what’s in it. At this point it’s… I’m very comfortable and safe saying that she is, in fact, a victim, and again I commend all of them for coming forward."

Secondly, Glavin believes there is testimony missing from the report about former aide Lindsay Boylan. Boylan claims the governor suggested they play strip poker while on a plane together.

"I know of at least one witness that gave specific reasons why they believe Lindsay Boylan was lying, none of that was included in the report," said Glavin.

Of the 179 people who were interviewed for the AG’s report, Glavin says only 41 of those interviews were transcribed. She thinks the investigators selected by AG Tish James (including Joon Kim whom Glavin says she’s known for many years) came in “with a bias” and therefore their assessments cannot be trusted.

Glavin discredited claims that the governor’s actions were gender-based, saying: "They interviewed a number of men that work for the governor, and the men said yes, he comments upon our appearance, and he hugs and he kisses us as well."

At this point, Glavin says she is “not aware of the governor having plans to resign” and that his primary focus is giving a submission or evidence to the assembly.

The Assembly Judiciary Committee is scheduled to meet on Monday to discuss the allegations and the impeachment process.