Daniel Prude’s family struggling to come to terms with his death

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Daniel Prude’s family is struggling to come to terms with what happened to him, in part because they are just learning what happened.

The night of March 23, police only told Joe Prude his brother was in the hospital. They did not tell him Daniel had stopped breathing while in police custody.

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Joe says they did not tell him an officer had pressed Daniel’s face and chest into the pavement for two minutes.

In fact, Joe says he finally learned what happened just days ago, after police finally gave his attorney the body camera video.

Joe says while Daniel was in the hospital, he was begging for answers.

Reporter: "What played out after that is me trying to figure out why he’s in there. What was the cause of him being placed? Did you get any answers?”

Joe Prude: “No, I did not"

Reporter: "This happened on March 23. It’s now September, six months later. Why do you think it took so long?”

Joe Prude: “Because it was a cover-up. They knew what they did was wrong."

Meanwhile, the city insists that they said nothing because the matter was under investigation.

As for Prude’s family, News10NBC has confirmed that he has a surviving brother and sister.

While other media outlets have reported that he has five children, Daniel’s brother, Joe, says he can not confirm that Daniel had any children.

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A makeshift memorial for Prude on Jefferson Avenue, where the confrontation that led to his death happened back in March, is getting bigger.

People have placed flowers and candles, and a sign with Prude’s name.

Free the People Roc is hosting a community gathering and vigil in honor of Prude Thursday at the First Church of God on Clarissa Street from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m.