Do the Right Thing: Logan Keiser made videos to speak out against bullying

[Do The Right Thing]
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — News10NBC is celebrating the latest winner of this semester’s “do the right thing” award. Meet Logan Keiser a 6th grader from East Irondequoit Middle School.
A family acquaintance nominated Logan for helping others and speaking out against bullying. Logan is on the autism spectrum and is always thinking of ways to be kind to others. During the pandemic, Logan wrote nice messages in chalk throughout the neighborhood to help inspire others. He also helped create 500 sensory bags to give away to other kids in his community.
Unfortunately, Logan has also been a victim of bullying. Instead of showing anger for the way he was treated, he helped others impacted by bullying by teaching kindness and creating anti-bullying videos. His videos let people who are bullied know that they’re not alone. They emphasize how serious the impacts of bullying can be and challenge everyone to stop bullying and think of the feelings of others instead.
The videos are creative, honest, and informative. Some of Logan’s videos even display his sense of humor! Follow Logan’s mother’s TikTok account @ awesome5mom if you’d like to see his videos, and help Logan spread the message to #stopbullying!
Any student enrolled in grades K-12 in any Monroe County school is eligible for nomination. The good deed the student is nominated for must have occurred in Monroe County within one year of the nomination. Anyone over 18 years of age can submit a nomination form (this includes family, friends, school staff, coaches, etc.).
Nomination forms can be completed and submitted electronically or you can print the PDF form and email or fax the completed form. Forms are also available at any RPD building and any City school or City library.
Nominations can be emailed to or faxed to (585) 428-6093.