Easter Sunday brings crowds

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – For a lot of people, this is the first Easter service they’ve been to since the pandemic.

"This is the first Easter I’ve been to in the last two years,” Mary Jude Ostrander told us.

Church doors across Monroe County had families flooding through them for Easter Sunday services. Many told us they were excited to be sitting in a pew, but there was a mix of emotions on COVID protection.

"I will be masking still,” Melody Morgan said, holding a mask in the air.

"Well really, here the masks are if you want to wear them,” Ostrander added.

"We do masks in crowds but for the most part, we’re vaccinated and boosted so we do the best we can,” Jean Russo said.

As church bells ended services, some said they were gearing up for Easter egg hunts, and ham dinners. Some said they weren’t going to let COVID hop in and ruin that this year. Others told us they were going to keep it low-key.

"Most everyone coming over is vaccinated, including myself. We’re just taking it as it comes, we’re not restricting anyone, if you want to wear a mask, then wear a mask,” Ann Pellman said.

"My parents are in our safety pod, so we make sure we protect ourselves for them, we will be masking for church because it’s crowded and be as careful as we can be,” Theresa Barbero added.