Edgerton R-Center to serve as COVID booster clinic beginning Sunday

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC)— Add the Edgerton R-Center to the list of spots around Monroe County where you can go and get a COVID-19 booster shot, if you qualify.
The county Wednesday announced the center, located on Backus Street in Rochester, will serve as a clinic on Sundays beginning this Sunday.
Appointments will be open from 1- 4 p.m.
Additionally, the county still offers booster shots by appointment at the Fleet Center clinic, 145 Paul Road, Chili, and at Monroe Community College’s downtown campus, 321 State Street, Rochester, with limited booster appointments available at other community-based vaccine clinics.
While appointments are encouraged, walk-ins may be accepted depending on availability.
As a reminder, per CDC guidelines, boosters are available for people age 65 and older, or people age 18 and older with preexisting conditions, and for those who work or live in high-risk environments.
You can schedule an appointment at www.monroecounty.gov. or, dial 211.