Fairport CSD addresses letter circulating social media

FAIRPORT, N.Y. (WHEC) — There’s confusion in Fairport over a picture of a letter that’s circulating social media.

The letter, printed with the Fairport Central School District’s letterhead, reads:

"Dear valued FHS student,

As you likely know, we are diligently working to ensure that all students feel safe here at Fairport High School. Therefore, we ask that you read the following statement and sign below. Thank you.

I hereby admit that I have been guilty of wearing my mask below my nose or lower despite knowing that it is against the rules set forth by the Monroe County Department of Health, the Board of Education, Mr. Provenzano, Mr. Clark, the administrators, and the teachers.

By signing below, you admit to the above statement and will therefore not be questioned or prosecuted in any way."

The letter then provides spaces for the student to print their name, sign it and date it. the letter is signed Mr. Clark, The Fairport High School Administrative Team, the Board of Education and the Monroe County Department of Health. A Monroe County logo is also included on the letter.

The school district addressed the confusion on Twitter Monday, saying the letter "was created to parallel underlying concepts from a novel" that Fairport High School students were reading in an English class, and that after the exercise, students were told that the letter was for instructional purposes only, and does not represent the district or district authorities named in it.

The district did not mention which novel the letter was modeled after.