Fauci: Reinstating mask mandates possible

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Top federal health officials are considering tightening up masking rules as the delta variant continues to surge across the United States, this includes people who are vaccinated.

Doctor Anthony Fauci says that’s under consideration.

During an appearance on CNN, Fauci said the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction when it comes to the pandemic, and noted other cities that have reinstated masking mandates.

"We’re seeing that in LA, we’re seeing that in Chicago, we’re seeing that in New Orleans because the officials there, many of them are saying even if you are vaccinated, it’s prudent to wear a mask indoors," Fauci said.

According to the CDC, about 163-million Americans are vaccinated, that’s about 49% of the eligible U.S. population. Here in New York – 2,000 new COVID patients in a single 24-hour period has not been seen since mid-May, but cases are nearly there right now.

Fauci also claims health officials are reviewing early data as they consider whether to recommend that vaccinated individuals get booster shots.