Federal voting rights bill blocked again

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DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (WHEC) — The federal voting rights bill has again been blocked, for the fifth time in six months.

Two Democratic senators, Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona, and all 50 Republicans voted against the passing of the bill. In the Senate, 51 out of 100 votes, also known as a simple majority, were needed to pass the bill. Since it was 52-48 not in favor, three voters would have needed to vote in favor instead for the bill to pass.

The federal voting rights change has been one of the top priorities for President Joe Biden. He released a statement after the vote, saying he is looking at other options and is disappointed in the outcome.

"Whatever happens tonight in terms of the outcome of this vote, the President and I are not going to give up on this issue. This is fundamental to our democracy and it is non-negotiable," said Vice President Kamala Harris.