First Alert Weather In-Depth: Winter and the month of March

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — I do not know about you, but as I get older it seems like the winter season gets longer and longer. Let’s see if that is the case.

News10NBC First Alert Meteorologist Glenn Johnson a look at our monthly breakdown on average snowfall over the last 30 years month by month for Rochester.

Usually, snowfall goes up very quickly in November, December and January. January is typically the snowiest month and then snowfall drops off by February and March, and the month of April sees an average of 3 inches of snow.

This month we averaged just 12.3 inches, which is below normal by 5 inches. Now look how this stacks up for this entire winter season. As of today, the Rochester Airport stands at 87 inches and that is also below the long-term average. In fact, it is significantly below the average as we stand at almost a foot below normal for snowfall. Maybe that surprises you?

Here is the temperature over the last two weeks. It is interesting that on March 18 and 19 we were well above average for temperatures and then at the last couple of days it has been just the opposite with below-average temperatures.

This is the entire month of March and you see we had above-average temperatures. The red color signifies a day with above-average temperatures. And the number of days with above-normal temperature readings certainly outnumbers the colder days. The month of March shows that we are running 1.5 degrees above normal.

So there is no doubt, the winter seasons are not getting longer, but I can tell you that I am certainly getting older, especially after looking at this winter season.