Good Question: Follow up on ‘winterizing’ COVID-19 test sites
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — We have a Good Question follow up about the COVID-19 test.
This originally came about from people asking News10NBC’s Brennan Somers about a local testing site. It’s the Walgreens set up near Hard and Ridge Roads in Webster.
That is a drive-thru location, but for months, staff worked outside the building giving drivers the tests, they worked either uncovered or under an awning. Walgreens told Somers, the company has been working to "winterize" testing locations that are outdoors to bring in tents and heaters, and to use drive-thru lanes.
Recently, the Webster location made the switch. It is now using the drive-thru lane already at the building, with staff inside behind the window. Other places like CVS are doing the same thing. The state testing site at Monroe Community College in Brighton is also built for winter. It has large white tents and a testing processing center covered from the elements.

Watch previous Good Question segments here. If you have a question you’d like answered, email