Greece Arcadia stepping up security Friday over social media threat

[Greece Central School District]
GREECE, N.Y. (WHEC) — Greece Arcadia High School will step up security on Friday over a threat circulating on social media.
A concerned community member sent News10NBC a picture of what looks like a “kill list” posted on Snapchat.
It includes dozens of names and the text, “If u [sic] are on this list dont [sic] come to school tmrw [sic] cause my goal is to kill everyone!! If u [sic] aren’t on this list… good luck and f*** u [sic]. I’m hitting the cafe first[.]”
News10NBC reached out to the Greece Central School District and its Community Relations Manager said that school resource officers and Greece Police were in the student’s home within 20 minutes of the post going up, and that the student told them they had posted it as a "joke" but had since taken it down.
Read the full response below:
"This afternoon, Greece Central School District officials became aware of a social media post threatening violence at Greece Arcadia High School. Security staff and Greece Police were at the student’s home within 20 minutes of the post. The student admitted posting something as a “joke” to a small group of friends but had since taken the post down, acknowledging that it was a poor decision. The student does not have access to weapons and will not be permitted on school grounds pending disciplinary action.
"Greece Central takes seriously its responsibility to keep students safe and acted swiftly to investigate this situation. We understand that some students and families may feel anxious but we have systems in place to keep our schools safe.
"Our dedicated school resource officers and security professionals will be on campus tomorrow, as they are every day to safeguard and support our students and staff."