Greece Postmaster charged in drug trafficking case will be released if family can secure $100K bond
GREECE, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Greece post office manager accused of running drugs through the post office in Greece is about to get released as soon as his family secures a $100,000 bond.
Ralph Minni is accused of using his position as the postmaster in Greece, the post office system and some staff to ship marijuana and cocaine through the post office from California to Rochester and then sell the drugs here.
He and his family are back in court Thursday afternoon to confirm that bond.
Minni managed the post office on Latta Road in Greece. The complaint says he would ship up to 30 pounds of marijuana through the mail and use his then-girlfriend and fellow post office employee to deliver it to buyers.
Her name is Grace Marie Lopez and she’s charged with the same crimes.

"This case includes guns, drugs and quite a lot of them," Assistant U.S. Attorney Brett Eldridge said.
The complaint details a four-year investigation using video surveillance at the post office, in Minni’s office and at his home in Greece.
Eldridge says the search of Minni’s home after his arrest found $75,000 worth of drugs and an arsenal of guns—most of which were on his pistol permit—a bulletproof vest, five thousand rounds of ammunition and a Bushmaster rifle stamped with "for law-enforcement and military use." Eldridge said Minni should stay in jail for violating the public trust.
Minni’s lawyer, James Vacco said that Minni is no danger to the public, he has no criminal record and no past charges and all of those guns found in his home were confiscated by the FBI.
Minni was arrested in the Wegmans parking lot on Long pond Road next to the post office. Eldridge quoted the agents saying "Ralph, FBI. You’re under arrest." The prosecutor quoted Ralph replying, "OK. "