Inauguration: Mayor Malik Evans promises to empower the people of Rochester

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Rochester’s new mayor is promising to empower the people of the city.

Malik Evans is the city’s 71st mayor and officially took office Saturday.

Mayor Malik Evans was surrounded by close friends and family while taking an oath to lead the City of Rochester. During his address, Evans says the first order of business is community involvement.

"We will take control of our neighborhoods and work to eradicate violence and blight.”

He also addressed the level of violence the city has seen over the last year.

"Reaffirm the preciousness of life and say that one homicide is too many and that violence and destruction must never be normalized.”

The ceremony had other speakers, such as County Executive Adam Bello and U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer.

"By serving on the Rochester Board of Education then the City Council, and he’s been involved in so many philanthropic endeavors and so now we’re celebrating the next chapter for Malik’s incredible career in public service by swearing him in today,” Schumer said.

The 90-minute inauguration also featured musical, and dance performances followed by prayer.