Inflation affecting local farmer’s markets

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – As inflation increases the costs of running a farm, you can expect to pay more at local farmer’s markets.

Inflation isn’t just hitting big box stores and the gas pump, it is also affecting smaller sellers like those at farmer’s markets.

Smaller-scale farmers are squeezed tighter by inflation’s impact on seed, feed and fertilizer costs because they don’t have the option to buy in bulk.

"Increased grocery store prices have kind of pushed their prices closer to farmer’s market prices, and so, I think in some ways, that’s pushed more customers to say, ‘I’d rather get it fresh and straight from the farmer,’" says Julia Den Herder, farmers market manager.

Farmers say they don’t want to pass along price increases to customers, but for some, it’s the only way to make a profit this year.