James Moore parole board transcripts

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – We’re getting new insight into the man who raped and killed a 14-year-old girl in Penfield. It happened nearly 60 years ago. James Moore is the longest-serving inmate in New York. Right now, he’s still in prison but he could get out any day now.

The New York State Parole Board granted his release, and we got our hands on the transcripts from his interview with the board.

When asked about the crime from September 1962, Moore repeatedly told the parole board, "I don’t know. I don’t remember."
Some background on the case: 14-year-old Pamela Moss was walking through the woods near her home in Penfield when Moore approached her. At the time, Moore was on probation for molesting two girls. He previously admitted to strangling Pamela because he was sexually obsessed with her.

When the parole board asked if he remembers anything about Pamela at all Moore said, "No."

Moore strangled Pamela and raped her. Her body was recovered in a water-filled gravel pit about a mile away.

When asked about a feeling that would come upon him to hurt people, he said, "I barely recall that."

Prior to sentencing, Moore agreed to spend the rest of his life in prison to avoid the death penalty—an arrangement authorized by the victim’s grieving family so they would be assured that Moore would never again live life outside of the Department of Corrections.

A decade later, changes in New York State law, however, allowed him to go before the Parole Board, which he has done more than 20 times before being granted parole on this occasion.

When the Parole Board asked what he would say to Pamela’s family, Moore said, "I would say I more than the fact that I was sorry. It is the fact that she is gone and I can’t bring her back. And I wish with all of my heart that I could. And I worked very hard over the years to get my education and all the other things so that I can someday or somehow atone for this. I know now what my problem is and why it is."

He went on to talk about a chemical he worked with as a landscaper that he says has since been banned, blaming that for his actions.

When asked why should he be released, Moore said, "The only thing is I can’t be of any harm to anybody even if I wanted. I have no feelings like that now."

Moore was asked, "When you see children you no longer feel that mania?"

He answered, "That’s right. I am in a situation or I walk in a situation to where it could be problems I am gone. I get right out of there."

Moore was granted release and could have gotten out as early as June 6th. News10NBC contacted the NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision.

Officials told us, "Mr. Moore remains incarcerated at this time and will be released upon completion of his community preparation which includes an approved residence."

Full transcripts from the Parole Board interview:

Parole Board Interview

Decision Redacted