Marist poll: 59% of NYers want Cuomo to step down as calls for resignation continue

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — After the New York State Attorney General’s Office released its report on its independent investigation into sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo Tuesday, calls for his resignation came from both sides of the aisle and all levels of government.

News10NBC collected statements from his accusers, political allies, other governors and even President Joe Biden Tuesday, many of whom called for Cuomo’s resignation.

The White House Wednesday reaffirmed Biden’s calls for Cuomo to resign.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki addressed the issue during a press conference Wednesday.

"The president made clear yesterday [Tuesday] that Governor Cuomo should resign and I believe we should start with that. There’s obviously a process that’s going to proceed and leaders in New York spoke to that yesterday. We’ll leave it to them to speak to that. But the president believes Governor Cuomo should do the right thing and resign and leave space for future leadership in New York," Psaki said.

She continued, "well I think again the president made clear because of the abhorrent allegations that were made public yesterday that it is time for Governor Cuomo to resign. At the same time we do not want the people of New York to be impacted in a negative way as they’re working to fight COVID. And we’re going to continue to work with the administration in New York, with leaders in New York to continue to fight COVID. That will continue and obviously if leadership changes in the State we will work with a different leader."

Head of the New York State Democratic Committee Jay Jacobs Wednesday issued the following statement advising the governor to step down:

"When the allegations of sexual harassment against Governor Cuomo first surfaced, in the interest of fairness, I urged everyone to wait for the outcome of the Attorney General’s investigation before making a judgment. The Attorney General’s exhaustive and professional investigation yielded conclusions that can only be described as extremely damning and upsetting. While other Elected and Party officials immediately called for the Governor to resign, in the interests of the Party and the People of the State of New York, in an effort to effect a positive and expeditious resolution, I chose not to make a public statement. Now, however, it appears that contrary to what I have advised, the Governor may seek to prolong the current situation. I have called the Governor this afternoon to inform him of my decision to issue a statement.

The facts presented make clear that there is a preponderance of evidence of both a toxic workplace and actual sexual harassment. I agree with the Attorney General. I believe the women. I believe the allegations. I cannot speak to the Governor’s motivations. What I can say is that the Governor has lost his ability to govern, both practically and morally. The Party and this State will not be well served by a long, protracted removal process designed only to delay what is now, clearly, inevitable.

Let me be clear: Our State and its citizens are better off having had Andrew Cuomo as our Governor. It is my hope that the legacy of the progressive change he brought to our people and the renewal of infrastructure he brought to our State will outshine the darkness of this sorry episode. And so, it is with sadness and a measure of regret that I must ask the Governor to resign his office and allow the important work of the State – work that he did so much to advance – to continue."

WATCH: In-Depth: Senior Political Editor for NBC News on Cuomo report backlash (mobile users, click here):

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Another call for the governor to step down was spotted in Albany.

A banner reading "The report is in, remove Cuomo now" flew over the state capitol Wednesday. It was commissioned by UltraViolet, a national women’s group.

An overnight poll shows that at least some voters have changed their minds since the report was released Tuesday.

The poll was done by the Marist Institute of Public Opinion and of those New York voters who responded, a majority said they want Cuomo to go.

It found that 59% of New Yorkers, including 52% of registered Democrats, believe Cuomo should resign in light of the results of the independent investigation.

An equal portion said they believe the governor should be impeached if he does not leave voluntarily. Only 32% of those polled said they believe he should serve out the rest of his term.

In comparison, a Siena Poll that came out on July 1 showed that only 23% of those polled believed Cuomo should resign immediately, 39% said he should finish his term but not seek re-election and 33% said he should finish his term and seek re-election.

The Marist poll also asked voters about re-election, with only 11% of New Yorkers and 12% of registered voters saying they believe Cuomo deserves to be re-elected and 78% saying it’s time for a new governor.

Marist compared those numbers to its February numbers, in which 36% of registered voters across the state thought he should be reelected and 58% said it was time for a new governor.