Mayor Evans issues statement on homophobic letters sent to Rochester businesses

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – Following two hate-filled, homophobic letters sent to local Rochester businesses recently, Mayor Malik Evans put out a statement on Tuesday. The first letter was sent to CRISP Rochester, and the second was sent out to Equal Grounds.

Mayor Evans issued the following statement:

"My entire leadership team and I condemn in the strongest possible terms the hateful, homophobic letters that have been sent to some of our beloved businesses, who have our full support. The heinous message of these letters stands in sharp contrast with the spirit of tolerance and social justice that has been the hallmark of Rochester since the days of Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony.

The Rochester Police Department is working closely with these business owners to assess the threat, identify the instigators, and help protect the owners and their staffs.

The City of Rochester stands in full support with our residents, workers, and businesses in the face of this and other acts of discrimination and intolerance. Hate has no place in Rochester."