Mayor Evans releases proposal for city budget

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ROCHESTER N.Y. (WHEC) — Rochester Mayor Malik Evans unveiled his proposed city budget for the 2022-2023 fiscal year on Friday.

The $627.5 million spending plan is about 10% higher than last year’s budget. Evans said the city will use money from the American Rescue Plan to pay for increases.

The mayor’s budget focuses on public safety. $8.4 million is going to Pathways to Peace, the Office of Neighborhood Safety, youth enrichment programs, and the new Rochester Peace Collective.

In addition, the mayor said he has added staff to crisis intervention services and upgraded the city’s fire equipment.

Council will review the budget and vote at its June 14th meeting.

You can watch the mayor’s press conference about the budget, which he delivered at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, on the city’s website.

You can read the full 609-page budget here. A summary of the budget is also available.