PAB appoints new board chair

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Police Accountability Board met virtually Thursday night to discuss how they will continue to move forward as they accept complaints from the community.

The board voted unanimously to appoint Larry Knox as their new board chair. He was previously appointed the interim chair back in June of this year.

The board also voted unanimously to appoint Arlene Brown as the vice-chair of the PAB, she currently fills a seat for the police accountability board alliance. Brown will be taking over for Danielle Tucker, the previous vice-chair of the board. Tucker will stay on as a board member.

"For all of the board members here, we’ve got a lot of work to do but we are willing to put our shoulders to the wheel and get it done," said Arlene Brown, vice-chair, PAB.

The former chair of the board, Shani Wilson stepped down last month. Her resignation came days after the suspended PAB director Conor Dwyer Reynolds accused her of sexual harassment and retaliation.