Penfield sends note to parents over Snapchat threats posted about other districts

PENFIELD, N.Y. (WHEC) — Rochester-area schools are reacting to another troubling social media trend.
The Penfield Superintendent Thomas Putnam Monday night sent parents an email about posts on Snapchat that have threats similar to, "I needed a new account to make this, me and my friends have gotten bullied for too long and we can’t take it no more. October 26th, Tuesday at [times vary], we will be shooting up [schools vary]. We plan on shooting 10 administrators and 50-70 kids…."
Putnam’s email makes it clear that this message has not been posted in Penfield, but some students have seen it posted elsewhere and shared it with administrators.
Putnam said as of the email, the district was aware of the posts being made in other areas of the state, including Camden, Verona and Schenectady, as well as in New Jersey.
He said he understands threatening posts can disturb families, which is why the district sent the email to families and shared the following statement from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office:
"The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office has been made aware of the situation. MCSO has communicated with the law enforcement agencies in the jurisdictions at hand, located outside of Monroe County. There have been no reported incidents within the Penfield School District. As always, if you see something, say something and call 911."
The Safe School Helpline is available for concerned students and parents online, by phone at 1-800-418-6423 ext. 359 or by text at 614-426-0240; just type TIPS to begin the reporting process.
This comes amid other viral trends on social media outlets like TikTok’s “Devious Licks” and “Punch a Teacher” challenges and a threat posted on Snapchat by a Greece Arcadia student.
The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office sent News10NBC the following statement Monday night:
"The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office has been made aware of the “threat” circulating on Social Media across the nation. At this time, MCSO and the Monroe Crime Analysis Center (MCAC) have not identified any credible threats anywhere. MCAC is assessing the Snap Chat threats and has learned the school threats have shown up in multiple schools in other areas in New York State and the rest of the nation using very similar language. MCAC will continue looking into numerous complaints of this nature throughout the U.S., analyzing the information, and remain in contact with the FBI and New York State Police.
"That being said, MCSO has been in communication and in coordination with our local police agencies and none has been informed of any threats. We will continue to share information with law enforcement leaders as new information is developed. We are working with local school districts to provide high visibility special attention details at the schools.
"As always, if you see something say something and call 911. MCSO will continue to follow up on any information provided. We will also continue to maintain open communication with our local school district"