People were locked down as police looked for an active shooter
CHILI, N.Y. (WHEC) — So many people were trapped in their workplace as police searched for who they thought was a shooter.
One man was trying to get away on a break for a truck driving class. Another had flown in for a golf lesson. Another was trapped in the gas station where he worked.
Bishan Garung was in a truck driving training course behind the office building at 1200 Scottsville Road and he was about to leave on a break when he watched the FBI run into the building.
Brean: and they have the guns out?
Garung: Yeah… and then they broke the doors behind the building and they are inside.
Brean: And they got right inside.

Michael Guilian landed on a private flight from Boston when he was told they were locked down because of a possible shooter.
Brean: Here you are flying into Rochester from Buffalo for a golf lesson and the first thing you hear is active shooter I mean come on what did you think?
Guilian: I guess today nothing surprises me with what’s going on in the world.
When the scene opened up and most police were gone I was able to get into the office building at 1200 Scottsville Road that was searched.
Inside the lobby, you could tell the place was clean but deserted.
Police radio calls talked about covering for floors and we could see the four levels of the building from the lobby.
Down the hallway, we found a door that had been clearly forced open.
And we saw other offices that looked as if people left in a hurry.