Police indentify 15-year-old killed in shooting on Peckham Street

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Police have identified the young boy that was shot and killed on Peckham Street Tuesday as 15-year-old Jamere Wade.

Wade was a student in the Rochester City School District.

Teen outreach organizations were out on Peckham Wednesday afternoon where the shooting happened, knocking on doors to provide what they call "saturated outreach". Many local activist groups were out this including, Community Justice Initiative, Center for Teen Empowerment, “SNUG” (Should Never Use Guns) and more.

They spent time knocking on doors handing out fliers to parents with a list of community resources.

"That was a baby, he didn’t have a chance, at life,” Nina Gaines said, who showed up on the corner of Hudson and Peckham to join the groups.

"I knew this kid, he was in my car two weeks ago, I was a dean at Vertus, he was with me at Vertus when it happened they called me. It affects me,” Anthony Hall said, with the Community Safety Task Force Coalition.

Rochester Police said Wade was shot on Peckham Street Tuesday night while walking to a car after trying to buy marijuana from one of the homes on the street.

The group walked up and down Peckham to engage with parents face to face sharing resources to help keep their children safe.

Gaines said she saw police arrive on the scene shortly after Tuesday’s shooting. Her son was a victim of gun violence and she pleads with parents to do better.

"It starts inside the home, if your child is isn’t home by a certain time don’t ignore the fact go find out where your child is and who he’s with who she’s with," Gaines said.

Community activist Anthony Hall says change will not happen without action.

"No matter who calls somebody and says we need to be out here, everybody has to show up not just a Facebook post not just crying emojis folks got to show up,” Hall added.

Police are still searching for the shooter. Anyone with information is asked to call the police. Wade’s death is the 68th homicide in the city this year. He is also the youngest.

The Rochester City School District confirmed Wade was a student in the district but did not say what school he attended.

Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Dwayne Mahoney said Wade was a member and a great kid.

"He had cousins here," Mahoney said. "He would bring food to his cousins, two in particular that came here to the club and you know, we always thought that was unique for somebody in his age bracket because he was doing it even when he was younger."

Mahoney said Wade would set up meals in the back of the game room and he also enjoyed playing in the gym and hanging out with his friends at the Boys and Girls Club.

Wade’s killing marked the 68th homicide in the City of Rochester so far in 2021. The teen is the youngest victim to be shot and killed in Rochester this year.

Data from Rochester Police showed at least 32 teens under the age of 18 have been shot in 2021 (the number would be 55 if you counted 18-year-olds.). The youngest victim hurt was an 11-year-old.

RPD’s Major Crimes Unit is asking anybody who was on Peckham Street around the time of the murder or has any information on the drug sales on the street to call 911, the Major Crimes Unit (585-428-7157), CrimeStoppers (585-423-9300), or email MajorCrimes@cityofrochester.gov.