Positive Steps holds sessions on black community needs for trauma care and mental health

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – Local groups are creating events, focusing on community needs. July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness month.

Positive Steps held a BIPOC mental health session at Church of Love Faith Center Wednesday morning. Organizers say sessions like this are important. Especially since the mass shooting at a Tops Market in Buffalo. These sessions are for community needs related to trauma and mental health in the black community. Event organizers say mental health disparities and inequities are a daily reality for families of color who may struggle to navigate the mental health system.

"I want our folks of color to take away the fact that we can recover, we can live good lives, we can live productive lives we can work. I want our folks here and officials, county officials, or even parents whoever is going through suffering to say you know what, I don’t have to bear this alone,” Lenora Reid-Rose, with coordinated care services, told News10NBC.

The group will be hosting these sessions throughout the week. Thursday they will be in Buffalo and Thursday they’ll be in Syracuse.