Present! News10NBC takes attendance of students and teachers to see the omicron impact

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — We are taking attendance at our local schools, and not just for the students, for the teachers too. We want to see the impact of the Omicron variant on our classrooms. The (a) signifies the total number of students absent.


Jan. 10 Jan. 3
Students 83 86
Teachers 89 90


Jan. 10 Jan. 3
Students 85.5 86
489 (a) 442 (a)
Teachers 92.1 92.6
28 (a) 26 (a)


Jan. 10 Jan. 3
Students 84 90
Teachers 92 92


Jan. 10 Jan. 3
Students 82.7 86.7 (avg for 2021-21 school year is 89.4%)
Teachers 95
148 (a)


Jan. 10
Students 82
Teachers 87


Jan. 10 Jan. 3
Students 88.3 85.3
417 (a) 526 (a)
Teachers 93 92
31 (a) 34 (a)


Jan. 10 Jan. 3
Students 87 91.9
604 (a) 372 (a)
Teachers 89 90.1
45 (a) 40 (a)


Jan. 10 Jan. 3
Students 89 89
Teachers 89 90

In East Rochester, student attendance dropped a point from Monday to Monday. Eighty percent the first day back from break and 79% Monday, Jan. 10.

New York State Education data shows ER’s average attendance before COVID was 95%.

Brean: "What story do you see when you see those numbers?"

Jim Haugh, East Rochester school superintendent: "I see some fluctuation. I see some variability that we would not typically see this time of year."

Haugh is the superintendent in East Rochester. He says in ER, they’re used to change by now.

Haugh: "And so this just happens to be the next challenge, if you will."

In the districts that shared their data, attendance for teachers is, on average, in the low 90s. It’s normally in the mid-90s.

Brean: "So let’s say you’ve got a math teacher that can’t be in. How do you cover that math class?

Haugh: "Well we have emergent subs we have without collaboration through BOCES and St. John Fisher College so we have college students here on a regular basis."

Haugh said regular teachers are filling in.

Brean: "Have you ever had to get into a classroom in the past week because of this?"

Haugh: "Not yet. But I’m on call."

Many of the schools that responded to me say they’re working on a five-day quarantine period now. They all have remote plans but call them the last resort.