Red Wings crazy about new name "Crazy Coconuts" – Cocos Locos de Rochester

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — With the Puerto Rican Festival starting in a few days, the Rochester Red Wings celebrated Latino Day at Frontier Field with uniforms sporting a new team name, The Cocos Locos de Rochester.

It was the first time the crazy coconuts moniker was used as part of a partnership between festival organizers and the Red Wings.

It also honors the heritage of a lot of the team’s players and allowed the community to have some fun together.

"We want to make it fun. Cocos Locos is Crazy Coconuts. There’s a lot of cultural appeal to the coconut; it’s a very Caribbean-like food. We just wanted to have fun with the name and there were other ones that were taken already, but we landed on this one, and we’re very pleased with the name and kinda how it all came about," said Festival President Orlando Ortiz.

The first 1,000 fans through the gates got special Cocos Locos flags. Johnny Mambo put on the pre-game concert.

The Cocos Locos de Rochester are undefeated. They edged out Syracuse 7-6 in Sunday afternoon’s game at Frontier Field.

This year’s festival takes place at two locations on consecutive weekends. Our earlier report details the changes.