Some RCSD students set to return to school after nearly two-week hiatus
ROCHESTER, NY. (WHEC) — The second set of RCSD schools are welcoming students back in-person today after the district switched to virtual learning on January 6.
Just about half of RCSD already came back to in-person learning last week. However, the other half has still been off, with this morning as the date to return.
"We are going to be working on re-entry plans because students, as they have been out have experienced some trauma and we want to make sure that we have those supports in place as they return to school on wednesday and tuesday of next week," said Superintendent Dr. Lesli Myers-Small.
Yesterday, students would have been off anyways for MLK Day. However, the snowstorm presents another challenge – getting students to school safely as the roads throughout the city continue to be plowed.
Concerns include buses getting stuck and sidewalks that cleared of any icy spots so students don’t get hurt walking to school.