SUV Crashes into Dunkin’ Donuts on Long Pond Road in Greece
GREECE, N.Y. (WHEC) — An SUV has crashed into the Dunkin’ Donuts on Long Pond Road near the corner of Ridgeway Avenue in Greece.
The crash happened at 1587 Long Pond Rd. just before 11:30 a.m. on Saturday.
According to Greece Police, the accident consisted of a vehicle backing into another vehicle, which ultimately resulted in one of the vehicles driving forward and striking the building. Police say while there were no injuries reported by either driver, there was significant damage. There were no customers inside at the time and no employees were injured, either.
The Greece Police Department and Ridge Road Fire Department are investigating the incident, but say that neither driver was suspected to be under the influence of any substances.
News10NBC will update this story when more information becomes available.