Toronto man hopes to add "first" to his experiences

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — A Toronto man is on a truly epic journey.

Mike Shoreman took off on a paddleboard from the shore of Lake Ontario at Ontario Beach Park in Charlotte. His goal is to cross the great lake from Rochester to Toronto.

Mike has been paddling rough waters for a while now. He’s a professional paddleboard coach. About three years ago, he was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. That’s a side effect of shingles, and it caused him to lose his balance.

He’s now started what he calls a "mental health journey," trying to become the first person with a physical disability to cross international waters from one country to another.

"I started working with mental health organizations, and I got back on the paddleboard when they said that I couldn’t. When they said, ‘it’s not going to work for you.’ And last year, I held my first mental health event in Toronto," said Mike Shoreman.

His "Paddle Across America" will benefit The Trevor Project and the Tyler Clementi Foundation for Youth across the country.

His trek which started Sunday is expected to take about three days.