URMC offering up to $1K for participation in ‘mix and match’ booster shot study
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — You may have recently seen an ad show up in your Facebook feed offering up to $1,000 for participation in a COVID-19 booster study.
This latest bit of University of Rochester Medical Center research is called a "mix and match" study.
Participants will get a booster shot from a different vaccine manufacturer than their original doses.
They’re asked to keep a study diary and attend at least seven visits to the clinic. A week ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration released a joint statement saying in part, "Americans who have been fully vaccinated do not need a booster shot at this time."
But Head of Infectious Diseases at Rochester General Hospital Dr. Ed Walsh said COVID-19 is always evolving so the ongoing research is key.

"If it takes a little more antibody or a little more immunization to fully ward off variants as they come along, then we want to do that as soon as we can," Walsh said.
URMC is currently doing at least three booster studies. If the CDC’s booster shot guidance does change. It might not apply to everyone.
For example, Dr. Walsh says we could see the CDC come out with recommendations that only immuno-compromised and elderly people get a booster.
For more information about the study, click here or call 585-273-3990.