Annual adorable alert: Duckling parade at Sisters of Saint Joseph captures hearts

14 ducklings welcomes at Sisters of St. Joseph motherhouse

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Spring has brought a delightful ritual back to the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester, where a mother duck, returning for another year, has hatched 14 ducklings in their enclosed courtyard.

The staff at Sisters of Saint Joseph played a pivotal role in ensuring the new duck family’s safe journey to the great outdoors. This act of guiding the mother and her brood reflects a repeating springtime event at the location.

Last spring, the same courtyard was the birthplace to 12 ducklings, who were also escorted outside in a similar heartwarming parade. The return of the mother duck and her larger family this year highlights the courtyard’s continued attraction as a safe haven for nesting.

For local residents and nature lovers, the duck parade at Sisters of Saint Joseph has become a cherished event, symbolizing renewal and the caring relationship between the residents and wildlife at the Motherhouse.

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