County continues to work on goals outlined in Racial and Structural Equity report

Racial and Structural Equity

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — It’s now been three years since Monroe County and the City of Rochester released the report from the Commission on Racial and Structural Equity. The report outlined 40 recommendations to “increase equity where racial and structural barriers have produced disparities.”

The county has worked toward solutions including creating and investing in economic opportunities for Black and Hispanic communities. The county has also implemented practices that increase racial diversity and demanded accountability across all services.

“What Monroe County has done is launch a micro advantage loan program of $5.8 million with a minimum of $800,000 earmarked for MWBES (minority and women owned businesses). This micro loan program provides loans from $10,000 through $50,000 to help small businesses with most business-related costs,” said David Scott, chief diversity officer of Monroe County.

Other major goals include attracting “teachers and administrators of color” to the Rochester City School District and “bridging gaps” in healthcare.