First Alert Weather In-Depth: First Heat Wave of the Season

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — We see it coming! It’s the arrival of mid-summer heat and humidity heading for Western New York.
This is a timely arrival since the official start of summer season (summer solstice) is less than a week away. In addition, this warmer weather is indicated on the on the News10NBC First Alert weather forecast with the arrival set for early next week. It is important to note that this is likely going to be the warmest weather so far this season.
We know this because our computer weather modeling is showing a significant change in the weather pattern. We expect a “ridge” of high pressure will be developing across the eastern half of the country and that will drive those higher temperatures and humidity right into the great lakes. As a result, there are a couple of things to be watching for.
What is the high temperature ultimately going to be?
Right now, we can safely say Western New York will reach a range of 85 to 95 degrees (90 for Rochester). This will be dependent on lake breezes and specific wind directions. Next, this heat will increase the demand on air cooling systems and hence, the overall electrical grid. On a local level, it is a good idea to make sure your air conditioning system is working well and if you do not have air conditioning, you should have an alternate plan to cool down.
And lastly, since this is the first heat wave of the season, some people may not feel quite acclimated to the change. It’s logical to think about how to adjust your outside activities by limiting or shifting times of the day when you would normally stress your body.
During this event the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is listing Rochester in the moderate category for heat risk potential. Folks that are susceptible to the heat include the very young and older members of our community and if you usually have difficulty in the extreme heat remember to reduce outdoor activities.
Health systems, such as emergency rooms, will be busy because of the heat. And heat sensitive jobs such as a roofer, construction or landscaping workers need to have an alternate plan as we get into this first heat wave of the season.