First Alert Weather: Near-record warmth on Wednesday and rain late into Thursday

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — It will be sunny and warm on Wednesday with temperatures into the 60s. Today’s record is 71, so while that’s a bit out of reach, we will be close with a high of 65.

The only issue for Wednesday will be some gusty winds from the west. A few gusts may top 20mph. Expect fair skies on Wednesday night into Thursday morning. Then, there will be a general increase in clouds on Thursday and some rain later in the day and night.

There’s a possible thunderstorm south of Rochester for Thursday night but nothing severe. Showers will linger into Friday morning before clearing during the day. Looking at the weekend it still appears that Saturday will be nice in the low 50s with some rain on Sunday.

Stay tuned to News10NBC for the latest on the timing of rain for your Thursday