First Alert Weather: Rain returns for Saturday

ROCHESTER, N.Y. —  Waking up Saturday morning to a dry morning but things will change by the middle of the day.

A few light showers will be possible late Saturday morning, but more widespread and heavy rain will move in during the afternoon. Rain will likely continue into early Saturday evening before turning drier Saturday night. A few showers will still be in the forecast Saturday night, but it will be much drier than the afternoon.

This is thanks to an approaching warm front to our west. This warm front will keep us relatively mild Saturday with highs near 60, but as it passes by later Saturday it will turn is much warmer on Sunday. Sunday will feature afternoon highs in the mid-70! It will still come with an opportunity for a passing shower or thunderstorm, but a rain out is not expected. As quickly the milder weather makes an appearance across our region, it will disappear.

A cold front will swing by Sunday night and that will turn what looked like a hot summer day earlier this week for Monday to a cooler more seasonable day. It won’t be that chilly as highs will likely reach the low 60s, but unfortunately the 80s that looked possible earlier this week are not likely.

Monday will also feature the chance for an afternoon shower or storm, but those along the lakeshore will have a less of a chance.