Restaurant owners advocate to keep alcohol to-go in state budget
ALBANY, N.Y. — New York State lawmakers have three days until the budget is due and restaurant owners are advocating to keep alcohol to-go in the budget.
Gov. Kathy Hochul included the provision in her budget. Take-out alcohol was first allowed during the height of the pandemic, when restaurants relied only on take-out sales to survive.
Many restaurant owners have spent their Paycheck Protection Program loans and say this extra boost from alcohol to-go is critical.
“There’s no silver bullet but keeping the revenue stream that restaurants have relied on for the last four years is critical,” said Dominick Purnomo, director of the NYS Restaurant Association. “Because once we take that away, even if it’s a small 5%, 10%, when we’re dealing with single digit profit margins, it makes a big difference.”
Some liquor stores have voiced opposition to the measure, saying it directly competes with their business.