Scholar Athlete of the Week: Emily Ferguson

Emily Ferguson (WHEC photo)
Imagine loving a sport so much that you design your own parking spot after it. That’s just what Aquinas senior Emily Ferguson did.
“My whole personality is kind of golf. Easy, it was better than thinking of something that just went on Pinterest and looked up golf ideas for parking spots,” Ferguson said.
And she’s pretty good. Ferguson has played in sectionals the last five years and in states the last two. A key is her staying composed.
“Words of affirmation for yourself. ‘You can do this, just breath, you got this.’ Just stuff like that,” she added.
Same kind of thing in school. A 92 GPA and an English award. Academics are very important to her. She’s not sure where she’s going next year but when high school comes to a close, Ferguson says she’ll miss her teachers the most.
And that is just about the best thing should could learn. Congrats to Aquinas’ Emily Ferguson on being this week’s News 10 NBC Scholar Athlete of the Week!