Applications for NY heat assistance program open November 1

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — With RG&E and NYSEG’s recently-approved price jump, energy costs won’t be getting any lower.

New Yorkers who may struggle to pay their heating bills will be able to apply for State assistance starting next week. On Wednesday, November 1, eligible New Yorkers can apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIPHEAP), also called HEAP.

Whether you heat your home with electricity, kerosene, or even corn, State funding is available to lower the cost of your energy bill.

Depending on your household size, the kind of fuel your house needs, and your income, eligible New Yorkers can have the State take off hundreds from your bill.

One big eligibility point is how much you make. For a family of four, the monthly income limit is $5,838 before taxes.

Other ways to qualify include receiving snap benefits, temporary assistance, or certain kinds of social security.

If you’re approved, the State will pay the energy company directly.

The program just got $360 million in federal funding. But with how many New Yorkers apply, some state officials — including Senator Kirsten Gillibrand — are pushing for more. 

“Just last winter, nearly 50 people died in a catastrophic blizzard in western New York. And several of those lost were without heat. Going without heat is just not an option for many families, especially those with children or those who need the heating on all day, such as our older New Yorkers,” says Gillibrand.

Starting on November 1, you can apply for the program in person, online, or by mail.

To be eligible, New Yorkers must meet the income requirements. The following are the monthly income requirements, before taxes:

1 – $3,035

2 – $3,970

3 – $4,904

4 – $5,838

5- $6,772

6 – $7,706

7 – $7,881

8 – $8,056

9 – $8,231

10 – $8,407

11 – $8,582

12 – $8,890

13 – $9,532

For questions, New Yorkers are encouraged to reach out to county. Click here for the Monroe CountyLivingston CountyGenesee County, and Wayne County contacts.