Attempted KIA theft caught on camera thwarted by steering wheel lock
We want to show you video of an attempted car theft in the city and the device that thwarted the crime.
Police plead with people to get a lock for their steering wheel especially if they own Hyuundais or KIAs.
This story shows they can work.
“Broken window,” Mary Day said. “This is the window they took out last night.”
A group of people tried to steal Day’s KIA Sol last night and she got it recorded on camera. The video shows a car drive her her KIA followed by two men who walk to it slowly.
The video shows they peek inside, smash the back window and one of them goes in head first.
But when they hear alarms go off and see what’s in the car they back out and take off.
“Here is what actually stopped them from stealing it,” Day said showing off her steering wheel lock. “I can’t even sit outside my work without worrying about my car being taken or stolen. So, yes. This will be your best friend.”
Ron Gerth didn’t have one of those on his Hyundai in Greece.
“This is where the car was parked,” he said pointing to his empty driveway.
In the middle of the night last week, someone came onto his driveway and stole his only car.
“I just saw this empty space and my brain turned off. I wouldn’t accept the reality that my car had been stolen,” he said.
“We just couldn’t believe something like that would happen here,” his wife Roberta said.
Brean: “You thought quiet neighborhood, tucked away, in your driveway, you’d be okay?”
Roberta Gerth, Greece: “That’s exactly right.”
“t’s consuming. I was so frightened,” Roberta said. “For the first time in my life I didn’t feel safe in my own home.”
We know the city is nearing 200 stolen cars this year, most of them are KIAs and Hyundais because of a how-to video that started on the social media site TikTok.