Autoworkers will decide whether to strike at 10 p.m. Thursday

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — In 2019, autoworkers went on strike for a month, including in Rochester after contract negotiations broke down. 

All indications right now suggest employees will again walk off the job. United autoworkers local 1097 President Dan Maloney tells News10NBC about 100 people will kick off the strike. He calls it “targeted” —meaning only certain plants across the country will walk the picket lines at one time. Other plants will continue working until called upon to join in on a rolling basis.

The autoworkers are seeking a four-day work week, 10% wage increase over the next four years, job security with regards to automakers switching to electric cars, and the elimination of a wage structured tier system in which employees doing the same work make different pay. 

Now, unions representing these autoworkers across the country are just waiting to hear from the International Executive Board. 

“Just waiting for that call at 10 o’clock this evening,” says Maloney. “If we’re tapped on the shoulder we’ll start a rally on Lexington Avenue in front of the plant, 1000 Lexington Avenue. First half or so, and then folks will break away, some of that group, and go out back to driving park, and start to blockade the plant.” 

Ford CEO Jim Farley released a statement saying in part:

“We are optimistic we’ll find a way forward.”

He goes on to say that his company will not support a four-day work week.