Calls for resignation: Monroe County DA faces public outcry after controversial body cam footage surfaces

Doorley Backlash

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Local activist group Save Rochester Inc. is organizing a protest demanding the resignation of Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley. This comes after the release of body cam footage from a traffic stop involving Doorley, which showed her behaving combatively with a police officer. The protest is set to take place on Monday morning outside Doorley’s office.

The body cam video revealed by Webster Police on Friday captures a tense interaction between Doorley and a police officer during a traffic stop. According to the footage, Doorley eventually leads the officer to her home garage before the situation escalates, and she contacts the Webster Police chief.

In response to the incident, Mike Johnson, an organizer with Save Rochester Inc., has spearheaded an online petition and the planning of Monday’s protest. The gathering aims to highlight the need for accountability among public officials.

“To let this not fall under the radar. To make sure we continue to make sure we hold those in power to a certain precedent, so that precedent can’t be broken with something as simple as a traffic ticket that leads to more serious crimes,” Johnson stated.

If you ask Diallo Payne, Doorley’s conduct speaks for itself.

“When you get that kind of attitude, they typically take that as a bit of a reason is a crime in commission. That kind of disposition usually suggests something is wrong,” Payne said.

Payne said the body cam video showing Doorley leading an officer back to her house and being verbally combative is enough for him to call for her resignation.

It’s why Payne, with Community Justice Initiative, said he is joining Save Rochester Inc. at the protest.

“The cops should have asked a question and with Black folks, cops usually do take the attitude, anywhere from border to airport security to Monroe County to any other county in the world,” Diallo said.

Legislators are also calling for action.

On Sunday, Democratic Assemblywoman Sarah Clark joined four others in signing a joint letter calling for an investigation into Doorley’s conduct.

Johnson said that resigning doesn’t go far enough.

“Our demand is that she resign effective immediately, removed from office and disbarred,” Johnson said.

“Had this been, an average citizen, they would have been met with a lot more force,” he added.

Monday’s protest is scheduled to begin at 47 Fitzhugh Street at 9 a.m., proceeding to the public safety building in downtown Rochester.

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