Clyde-Savannah school district and police investigate incident involving football team

CLYDE, N.Y. — The Clyde-Savannah Central School District and Clyde Police are investigating an incident involving several members of the high school’s varsity football team, according to a letter from the district.
The district says the football team won’t be allowed to play in Friday night’s semifinals game because of disciplinary actions. The letter says that the district can’t share the details of the incident at this time because the investigation is ongoing and for students’ privacy.
“This turn of events marks an untimely end to what has been a historic season for our team,” said the letter.
The district says it’s working with law enforcement. The district also says it’s committed to maintaining a safe and supportive environment for all students and staff.
“It is imperative to reinforce our district’s expectation that all students adhere to the established code of
conduct. The values of responsibility, respect, and ethical behavior are fundamental to our community,” the letter says.
Superintendent of Schools Michael Hayden sent the letter to families on Thursday.