Community will hold meeting at Brighton High School about child porn charges against teacher

BRIGHTON, N.Y. — Parents and community members in Brighton will hold a public meeting on Tuesday to discuss the recent child porn charges filed against one of the teachers at the school district.

The meeting is at the Brighton High School Auditorium at 7 p.m.

Louis Carusone, 44, is a physics teacher at Brighton High School who, investigators say, had over 2,000 photos and videos of child pornography on his computer. Investigators also say they found 11 videos that Carusone recorded this year of female students. Carusone is also accused of recording children and adults in bathing suits at a water park.

This meeting will be held to answer questions and concerns over this incident. Law enforcement and school district representatives will be there. If Carusone is convicted, he faces up to 20 years in prison.