Consumer Alert: You’re likely entitled to part of Google’s $23 million settlement

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You’re likely eligible for part of Google’s $23 million settlement. The class action lawsuit accused Google of violating users’ privacy by selling your search terms to other websites.  If you used Google between Oct. 25, 2006, and Sept. 30, 2013 and you clicked on search results, you’re eligible.

Google denies the allegations and says agreeing to the settlement is not an admission of guilt. To learn more about your rights in this settlement, click here.

Because millions of people are eligible, your payment isn’t going to be much. Each claimant is estimated to get $7.70.  But hey, it doesn’t hurt to file a claim. 

The process is easy.  First you have to register. Don’t skip this step. When you register, you’re given a claim number, and you can’t submit a claim without that number. 

Next, you fill out a claim form.  It’s that easy.  It took me less than a minute.